Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend"
We believe Connect Groups are one of the best places to promote significant relationships and growth with each other. They provide a great way to connect with a smaller group of people that are brought together by topics/interests, activities and fellowship. Connect Groups are a safe place to be known, encouraged, celebrated and challenged.
Here at The Well we believe that life is all about relationships and being a part of a community. We want to encourage anyone who is part of our church family to find friendship and community beyond attending a Sunday worship service. Everyone should be able to easily answer the question, "Who are you doing life with?" Our Connect Groups are a great place to meet amazing, friendly people who will encourage, edify and build each other up. Connect Groups help you get plugged into your church family where you discover what it's like to be part of a community.